International Women

Crisis in Ukraine: Putin and Biden, Russia and the pact broken by the US...

The fate of Ukraine is already written in its name: in Slavic the expression "u-craina" means "on the border" and, in geopolitical language, it...

Spanish courts must protect children from domestic violence and sexual abuse, say UN experts

Spain's Government must do more to protect children from domestic violence and sexual abuse, ensure its courts overcome biases against women, and apply a...

2021 CIDU Award for her work on human rights and freedom of the press...

Dijana Pavlovic, don Palmiro Prisutto, Pietro Turano and Federica Gasbarro are only some of the activtists who were awarded with the CIDU Award for...

“Only Fans”: the dangers of the porn industry’s new frontier

The pandemic has impoverished women all over the world, increasing their vulnerability. Data on the jobs lost mainly by women in Italy are echoed...

“Mother blaming” and forced custodies: the judges blame mothers who report violence

The files opened before the Italian courts are full of the stories of women who decide to interrupt their relationship with their partner, due...

“I want to make love to you. It’s normal, all fathers feel it”

"I want you. I want to make love to you. It is normal, all fathers feel it". These are the words I heard, when...

Europe goes right with one goal: to erase completely Human Rights and “Restoring the...

When Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki met 10 days ago in Budapest with the aim of establishing a new "European Renaissance", nobody...

Sexist stereotypes and prejudice within the judiciary system

My political commitment and professional activity have been devoted for over 30 years to defending the rights of women victims of male violence who...

Covid and social control: technical tests of repression in Europe

A 61-year-old man, Antonio Granata, slit his wife’s and mother-in-law’s throats, Carolina Bruno and Lorenza Addolorata Carano, in Massafra, in the province of Taranto....

Justice: violence against women is not a simple couple conflict

The continuous changes in the laws concerning gender violence. The quantity and variety of subjects operating in this field without an effective coordination. The...
