Luisa Betti Dakli

Il bambino di Varese ucciso dal padre è stato dimenticato, ma le responsabilità restano irrisolte

Sono passati 40 giorni da quando la notte di capodanno Davide Paitoni, 40 anni, ha ucciso il figlio di 7 anni con una coltellata alla giugulare dopo avergli conficcato uno straccio in gola e avvolto la bocca con il nastro isolante...

Europe goes right with one goal: to erase completely Human Rights and “Restoring the Natural Order”

When Matteo Salvini, Viktor Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki met 10 days ago in Budapest with the aim of establishing a new "European Renaissance", nobody focused too much on what exactly it meant. It is not yet clear whether it will...

Cina, molestie e discriminazione sul lavoro: a partire dagli annunci

Anche se la legge cinese proibisce la discriminazione di genere nelle assunzioni, la discriminazione sul lavoro è all'odine del giorno. Sia il governo cinese che le società private cinesi, utilizzano annunci di lavoro discriminatori di genere. Nel 2019, Human...

Covid and social control: technical tests of repression in Europe

A 61-year-old man, Antonio Granata, slit his wife’s and mother-in-law’s throats, Carolina Bruno and Lorenza Addolorata Carano, in Massafra, in the province of Taranto. A few days earlier, a 39-year-old woman, Ornella Pinto, was killed in Naples. Her partner,...

A year of pandemic: women’s rights are run-over by Covid

True, Covid has destroyed our lives, but not in a fair way. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has increased the already existing inequalities, widening the gap between rich and poor. But it is also putting at risk rights conquered over time,...

The soft-porn narrative of violence against underage girls

The relationship between minors and the mass media is a broad topic and it would take a specific panel discussion to address it properly. Right now, we will just take a look at some of the risk factors that...

Safe from fear: the correct information of gender-based violence as a form of prevention

In "Transforming a Rape Culture”, Patricia Donat and John D'Emilio define the rape culture as "a complex of beliefs that encourages male sexual aggressions and support violence against women", a culture that "condones the physical and emotional terrorism against...

In Europe feminisms fight the right, but the women leaders are more at the top of the right than of the left

There is an attack from the right wing in this very moment that has as target women and civil rights, in a global plan aiming to cancel the rule of law. What’s happening in Europe – with the Poland,...

From the comfort women in Cina to Burma: the War rape in Asia

Point 9.2 of the Charter of the Asian Human Rights adopted in 1998 in the Kwangju conference in South Korea from more than 200 NGOs and human rights activists, says: "The increasing militarization of many Asian companies has led...

Moria, the Greek refugee camp where children prefers to die

"Welcome to prison" is the writing on the wall that surrounds Moria, the refugee camp in the island of Lesbo, Greece, where over 9,000 people live in a space of 3,100, and where 10 year olds children attempt suicide. "THERE...
Editor of DonnexDiritti International Women

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